Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Alarm Cocks Suck Clock

Eight thirty in the morning. CHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Yoseph's alarm explodes in a violent array of noise and static as it cannot locate a radio signal. I'm ripped out of my dream in a very violent matter and scared to the point of heart failure. I'm under my sheets, not sure if I'm still dream or not. I finally stick my head out in the open and I see Yoseph passed out across from me, his alarm clock right above his head screaming like the world is burning. I am in great pain. After a moment I call out his name, but he does not wake up. I finally get up out of my bed and kill the clock. I tap him on the shoulder and he freaks to see what time it is (his class isn't for another hour). I fall back asleep like a child who just had too much Jungle Juice.

Let me tell you about last night...

EEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRGGGHHH! Yes "Ergh" was the booming sound of the fire alarm right above our heads. Yoseph and I are sitting at our desks sometime around 6:30 PM. The fire alarm begins and we both shoot our eyes towards the sprinkler, hoping it doesn't explode, destroy all of our valuables, and drown us by filling the room with black sewage water. We grab our keys and jump down eight flights of stairs (4 floors) and stand on the street. Our building does not burn down.

We ponder at the idea of shooting over to the Wing Stop. Instead we get in the huge line to get back into the building. Twenty minutes later, we're back in our desks.


It is late. Very late. Almost three in the morning. I could not fall asleep so I surfed the internet looking at kick-ass artwork, but by three, I feel its suitable to try to go to sleep again. Yoseph is laying in his bed, but not sleeping. I get in bed and shut my eyes, but the lights are on. Ten minutes go by and I finally ask him if he wants me to turn the lights off. He gets them instead.

I tell him its late. He says yes. He should not have drank that tea. I laugh.

Hours later and BOOM! Alarm occurrence. As I catch up with my dream, Yoseph rolls back over. Its 9:15 or :20 AM and I notice Yoseph still asleep. I get scared he'll be late or even miss class. I'm not sure what to do. Divine intervention... and... he gets up. Gets dressed. I fall asleep and when I wake up I think he's still there, but he's not, he was just in my dream talking at his desk... creepy.

So all that occurred in the past thirty or less hours. More stuff as soon as it happens.

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