Sunday, August 30, 2009

More Girls Gone Wild and Keri Hilson Concert

Woke up late yesterday. I thought it was like 9 o'clock, but the alarm clock actually read twelve. So I popped out of bed as my man Yoseph was getting ready for his shower. A little while later I go downstairs to have lunch (he's still fasting for Ramadan). So I sit down at a table with my meal and some huge athlete-looking guy and his girlfriend approach my table. They sit down at the other end and he reaches his hand out as if to shake my hand. So I shake his and realize he was asking me to pass him the napkins ( >:o ). So I try to break up the awkward moment by starting a conversation, but he didn't seem interested. He seemed like one of those huge dicks every high school has and his girlfriend is that really nice girl you wish wasn't dating him. I'm not saying you'd rather date her, but you'd rather she didn't throw this part of her life away with the huge penis on shoulders.

Late in the afternoon yesterday, it was coming close to time to finally eat some dinner with Yoseph, when a parade of girls (definitely from upstairs, one of them was shouting her room number into each dorm) marches down the hall. Note: we keep our door propped open late in the afternoon and in the evening so we can blast Eazy-E. I make a rough count of eighteen to twenty girls, and they're all going to the same room. The guys in this room must be having some kind of shoe giveaway or something; maybe giving out those Coach bags every girl melts over in the stores. Anyways, they're running up and down the halls, but we make nothing of it. We're hungry.

After dinner, we return to the room to find out that these girls are still in this room. The room must be a suite or something, otherwise these girls are in and under these guys' beds, in their closets, sitting on their desks, maybe even shoved into the refrigerator. We get back into our room and one of our friends stops by. He's on his way to the showers, but is planning on going to see Keri Hilson in an hour. It was a free concert hosted by Temple for Temple students. We told him that we'd go with him when suddenly four or so girls from upstairs walked by and commented on our friend's nakedness. By the way, these girls are walking around in those short dress-skirt things you always see girls wear at parties or dance clubs or whatever, but rest assured, none of them had any swag on. They were like kids in a candy shop seeing all these boys in the same place. I'm still shaking my head.

Anyways about five minutes later, I'm sitting at my desk when every one of these girls passes by again, but in the other direction. They're retreating. So finally we have some peace and quiet by the time we leave for the concert. We meet up with our friend -- who was in his room telling us his door was unlocked over and over again, but we were on the other side not really hearing him, just thinking he was talking to someone else -- and we're off. Who do we find, but the flock of girls all outside another room near the stairwell. They're talking about partying and stuff and I'm still shaking my head. They ask us if we're going into the room they're waiting outside of, but we tell them that we're actually going down the stairs to get the hell out of here. As we hustle down the steps, one of them recklessly yells her room number to us, while her friend tells her to knock it off with inviting boys to her room.

So we get to the venue and it is packed. There's a line of about a thousand people and I know that in any minute there's going to be three thousand more. We get in line, but aren't too far away. When they start letting people in, they suddenly hold up the line and tell all of us that we're on the wrong side and the line is on the other side of the big crowd. I grab Yoseph and we swim through a thousand pushy teenagers and I snatch us a spot in a little hole within the line on the other side. We look behind us and see that if we didn't squeeze in, we would have been down the block.

So they finally let us in and we see the show and it was okay. The opening act was called Swift Technique and they were so ridiculous, you'd be embarrassed too to be watching them. We were wondering why they would put a band like them up before The Dream and Keri Hilson. There was no match in genre or style or whatever. Then The Dream came on for like 20 minutes and then Keri for 20 or so. Its tough to be here, since she doesn't have too many full length songs of her own so most of what she performed was like a minute or less.

Anyways all we did was come back to the dorm and nothing else happened. There was a small stampede of those crazy girls again, but nothing else was eventful enough to remember. Temple had convocation today and that was pretty much it. Tonight should be uneventful because most people have classes tomorrow morning. Except me, cause I don't start till three. And I love rubbin' that in, cause its not gonna last.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Girls Casually Throw Up Too

So early this morning (about 2 o'clock, a little after I started the blog) Yoseph comes in the room and tells that there are girls everywhere. He says they're peeing in the stalls. I'm thinking they're either guests or for some reason from the floors above or below us. I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth and watch a random girl walk in casually and enter the stall. I'm not used to this and I'm sure most people aren't, but I know I will get used to it as time moves on. But this particular girl didn't use the stall for its everyday purposes.

I'm brushing my teeth as I hear her begin to cough and choke and gag and vomit into the toilet. I was planning on using a stall, but I decided to just go to sleep. Later I was tipped off that she had been throwing  up for the past hour or two. Its one thing that kids drink before classes even start, but to get hammered to the point that you're on the edge of poisoning? I don't know, but I came to college for other reasons.

Boys Be Jerkin' and Girls Be Trippin'

So I moved in yesterday. Temple University. I'm kickin' it with my trusty roommate, Yoseph Abdelsalam. We did up the dorm real nice with a TV and Xbox, posters, and other random comfortable items. We met some nice people and got pretty settled in. Yoseph's fasting for Ramadan so he can only eat when the sun's down. I've been spreading out meals to the point where I'm eating four a day. Soon I'll be eating six. Maybe I can get to seven. I'll have to see how it works out with my schedule.

There is so much freedom here that I'm kind of overwhelmed and as a result I have nothing to do and am completely bored. I've been trying to occupy my time, but nothing really entertains. This blog may be what will fill the void.

So tonight there was this big dance party featuring DJ Damage. Its like your normal first school dance, where not many people know each other so they just stand around and talk. But imagine a whole basketball court, a full-sized gym, of college students talking and the occasional bobbing couple or group. What's a bobber? A bobber is someone who doesn't necessarily dance, but stands in place and bobs his or her hips back and forth. A bobber is usually accompanied by another bobber in which the bobber-in-back places his hands on the bobber-in-front's hips (who is facing away from the bobber behind by the way). In fact, some professional bobbers like to color outside the lines and engage in a little bit of grinding. You see it at any classic dance party. Millions of people bobbing in the same general motion.

Before this dance party, Yoseph and I reviewed the jerk. I tried and failed at the backwards run thing, but I can do the stanky leg pretty well, so that part of the dance is good for me. I tried dropping it, but that just ended painfully. We were on a video chat via Skype with a good buddy of ours John Horan. He was playing the song and watching us attempt to jerk. I came up with a funny short film to do around it.

So back to the dance. We're looking for people we knew but no luck. I see an average guy bobbing with a girl he must have met earlier today. They bobbed politely for a moment or two, then they stopped, talked, and he kind of left. Not a minute was my head turned when I looked back to find a guy twice in height, not bobbing, not grinding, but sexing this girl. And she was sexing him back. She was getting really into it, unlike her bobbing earlier. I thought they were gonna take each other's clothes off for a second. But they didn't, because when the song was over, he walked away smiling to his friends, while she was rejoicing with hers. All the while, Mr. Bobber was watching from the sidelines... heartbroken. I feel sorry for him. He stood no chance.

Other than seeing events like this take place and girls bent over so far, their hair was getting stuck in between their toes, we didn't find anything else amusing or entertaining so we left. And that was the bulk of interesting events that occurred on this 28th night and 29th morning of August, 2009 at Temple University.

Until next time, this is Nick Kohut in college.